Getting Settled in ROMA.

It has been almost 4 weeks since I have moved to Rome and things are going steady. I live in an apartment on one of the main streets in the Monti neighborhood. I also live less then 5 minutes from the COLOSSEUM! Everything here is so busy and loud, something I am still getting used to! The locals are very nice, when you actually try to order or ask questions in Italian. Being in a country whose native language is different than yours is quite a challenge. Sometimes you just have to let the natives believe that you are stupid, it is the only way around sometimes…

I have done many things while I have been here, touring the Colosseum at night, going to the American Academy of Rome, and snapping pics of all of the beautiful buildings and scenery, to name a few. Apart from the facade or look of it, Rome is definitely different than what I thought it would be like! Much busier and faster, people are always on the move, and things just work differently. It is different than I thought it would be but I am still so blessed and excited to be abroad this semester!

Some things that I have learned abroad, most of these are quite hilarious…

1. When going to a laundry mat, always bring change with you. Cause you need that. Or else you can’t wash your clothes.
2. YOU WILL TRIP. EVERY. DAY. Don’t be ashamed, stride off strong!
3. Don’t worry if you miss the grocery store, walk past it like 5 times, ask at least 3 people where it is because you must have misunderstood the last 2 people you asked, you know, it happens!
4. You actually don’t have to buy bus tickets. Don’t feel bad, just jump on!
5. You smell that awful smell? Don’t worry, it’s just your musty-ass clothes that you washed 5 minutes ago. Air drying sucks.
6. Oh its 75 degrees out and you wanna wear shorts? Be prepared to be judged cause the next guy that walks by you is wearing a parka.
7. Don’t order a cappuccino after noon. The locals will laugh in your face.
8. It is okay to order gelato once, twice maybe three times a day. You are on a 3 month vacation! #butseriously
9. Craving that delicious chicken Alfredo that you have been dreaming about?? STOP. Alfredo doesn’t actually exist in Italy. Thanks a lot Olive Garden. Oh and neither do bread sticks. It’s okay to go cry in a corner now.
10. Oh you wanna go shopping, maybe to that new H&M? Brace yourself. Cause that store will take ALL YOUR MONEY. Real life man.

SO… As you can tell I have learned LOTS of stuff while being here. Some of these things I am proud of, while others I would much rather forget that these things actually happened.

Being in this country has taught me so much and I am so incredibly happy to be here!

Stay beautiful,
